Ah, Sweets Party. The series that really made me love the Sarasa clip series. I found the series on Jetpens (One of my all time favourite online stationary stores!), but at the end of their run there with only 5 Magenta (Rum Raison Pie) pens left. So I purchased the last remaining pens and then embarked on a hunt for the whole series. I ended up enlisting the help of Kagami Hirano, who helped me to get the rest of the pens. Thank youuu!
I really love this series because it has such lovely barrels. Beautiful, sparkly barrels with cute dessert prints. The pens' scents are a little softer than my Fresh Paradise series, but still quite sweet. The desserts vary including Chocolate Brownie, Strawberry Parfait, Apple Jelly....my favourites are Green Tea Sundae and Roseship Tea....
All in all, the series contains 10 pens: Black (Chocolate brownie), Magenta (Rum Raison Pie), Light Pink (Roseship Tea), Pink (Peach Tart), Red (Strawberry Parfait), Orange (Orange maracons), Yellow (Lemon Squash), Light Green (Green Tea Sundae), Green (Apple Jelly), Dark Blue (Mint Ice-Cream)
Please note: I will not trade my own set here, but I do have some pen trading including: Rum Raison Pie, Lemon Squash, Roseship Tea and Strawberry Parfait. However, as these pens are very difficult to obtain, I will only make trades if you have a pen that I really desire. Thanks!
Please note: I will not trade my own set here, but I do have some pen trading including: Rum Raison Pie, Lemon Squash, Roseship Tea and Strawberry Parfait. However, as these pens are very difficult to obtain, I will only make trades if you have a pen that I really desire. Thanks!